COLE-TAC BIG BOSS BAG ampumatukipussi

One of the best ways to get a rock solid shooting platform is by our Big Boss Bag.

To get that rock solid base, you need to have a support for your rifle. One of the best ways to to provide this support is with our Big Boss Bag. When shooting at long distances, every little detail counts. With our bags, every detail has been carefully thought out as well.

The Big Boss Bags are hand made using only the finest materials. All of our bags are double stitched 1000 Denier Cordura canvas.  The hardware is tough and durable to stand up to the toughest of environments. Our bags also feature an adjustment strap that helps the bag to be made into an easy-to-grasp shape and adjust the amount of elevation. By fully tightening the strap, it changes the height around 2.5 cm.

Dimensions:  16.5 x 19 x 5 cm

Weight 350 g.

29,90  sis. alv

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Sisäampumaradan varaukset:

Aseseppä toimii samassa liikehuoneistossa:
050 339 5378
Ampumaradan kalenteri 
Ma-Pe: 09.00-17.00
La: 10.00-13.00
Su: Suljettu
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